Caitlyn's 3 Favorite Things About REVFIT

Discover why Caitlin, a REVFIT member for over 2 years, finds REVFIT's strength and functional training truly transformative. From a supportive community that always checks in, to ever-changing workouts that keep you challenged, Caitlin's journey shows the power of REVFIT. Watch her tell her story to see how she lost 26lbs of fat and gained 10lbs of muscle!


Hi, my name's Caitlin. I've been a REVFIT member for 2 years in July. I think a lot of people have a hesitation about group fitness because they think it's a lot of aerobics step leotards from the 80s and things like that. And this is such a different concept because it really is strength and functional based training. And one thing I really want to be as strong, so that's what I really liked about it.

What are your 3 favorite things about REVFIT?

I think the biggest thing, and it cannot be discounted, this is nothing small, is the community. When you're not here, people notice, people check in on you. I come here with my husband. He came here after he recovered from a back injury, and I think he loves it too. And when he was gone for work for 2.5 weeks, every day it was "where's Derek?" And it's encouraging! And to be in a room with people who encourage you and inspire you, you can't put a price tag on that. And I've made a lot of friends who we now work out outside. We pushed each other and challenge each other every day.

The second I think would be the way the format changes. Just when you get comfortable, you're like, "yes, I can do this," and it changes! And then you're like, "great, I am gonna die." You're always humbled. Every month you're humbled. You think you're getting in better shape and better progression, and you are, but then you're challenged in a new way. And so you're humbled.

And then third, the trainers. Honestly, it's the trainers. They make such a huge difference from wanting to come in through the door and pushing you and challenging you and they want you to be better. Because of them, I do things that I never thought I would do.

Caitlyn has lost 26lbs of fat and gained 10lbs of muscle in her REVFIT fitness journey!


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