A REVFIT Success Story: Jon G.

video transcript

How has REVFIT helped you the most at work and in life?

Most all of us have stresses in life and that opportunity to come in…and Kevin says it so well…you know, check everything else at the door. This is an hour for you to spend on you, and I think that's important for all of us as employees, all of us as family members, spouses, as friends…to get that opportunity to really reset mentally, recalibrate priorities. But again, that time, that 1 hour of the day, that's just about you certainly has made me a better leader, a better employee. 

We're all better employees and more productive when we are in a good place mentally and we're in a good place physically, you know, having that hour to kind of reset yourself and just focus on you. The other 23 hours of the day are maybe about everybody else and other people in our life, but at that hour to really focus on making yourself better both physically and mentally, um, without a doubt it's made us better. 

Talk to us about the REVFIT community and the trainers: 

A lot of the best friends that we've made over the last few years have come through relationships that started with the REVFIT community. I would say in addition to that, from a personal standpoint, it's the opportunity to come in in the morning, it's structure, there's accountability there. And then depending on where you are, I think what REV does really well is they meet you with where you are in your personal journey, be that physically or mentally. In a class, Kevin tends to go deep and gives you a chance to think about priorities in life and how you're thinking about those. And it could be, you know, Zac, after a long weekend on a Monday morning, you need that little jolt of motivation he's certainly there. I think all of us need all those things depending on where we are. 

Anything else you want to share with us about your REVFIT experience?

So about a year and a half ago I actually broke a couple of bones in my elbow, but was able to keep coming to class. And thanks to the help of the coaches and trainers to help me think about how to modify various workouts and routines, it helped me get through that period. And not only got through it but actually came out of it in a good place and stronger than I was going into it from a mental standpoint. You know, having a program and self accountability that comes with that. 

At REVFIT you've got the backstop of coaches that are there to meet you. And again, that could be physical. You know, like I mentioned, there's, there's typically a great message from one of the coaches, you know, Kevin again going a little deeper and with self reflection on where we are, or it could be more of a push for motivation from say Zac or one of the other coaches. 

Overall it's hard to put into words what community has really been developed here. It’s something that’s going to be tough to replicate. But you think about the people, about the values of REVFIT, and you really realize how invested they are in you both physically and mentally.